Modular Fab Tower
Frame | Volume | Delivery | Connection

Modular Fab Tower

Planes, frames, and volumes are the basic ingredients to all assembly logics. Today, with the proliferation of additive production methods, the possibility of volumetric prefabricated building components has the potential to radically alter the way that we conceive of construction and the permanence of building parts. Volumes can now be created efficiently through the direct translation of digital files into additive matter at increasingly larger scales. Entire building components can be drawn up independently, fabricated as solids, and combined as whole building systems.

The main problem with capsule structures is the inability for the user to change the spatial logic of the capsule due to its inherent all-in-one design meant to meet all human demands. This is impractical in terms of meeting both changes in technology and changes in how people use and perceive space. The capsule must now be thought of as a technology that can be made of separate upgradeable parts.

We cannot assume that a capsule building can always afford or even have the opportunity to have an external means of adding and removing volumes to and from the structural frame. Looking to the advances in parking technologies that are proliferating our densest cities we can see the possibilities that robotic movers may have on moving volumetric components. Internal strategies work best.

By allowing for each personal unit to be made of interchangeable volumetric components, each will be a composite of values and needs. Layouts are less flexible but allow for different volumes. Through the ease of online ordering, each unit will be able to buy and sell adjacent spaces and ‘design’ their own additions and components via simple browsable software. The database will evolve and shift with changes in style, use, technology, and customer desires. The basic presumptions regarding connection methods will remain standard while the volume and use will change. Each unit will become unique.

PROGRAM: Modular Housing

CONTEXT: Prefabricated Housing Study

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Set of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular pieces

The ease of swapping out old components and constantly upgrading and questioning your unit layout empowers the user and introduces a form of mass spatial agency. Accepting change becomes addictive. This activity will become a spectacle within the community and enjoyed by all.

Set of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular pieces
Set of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular pieces


Diagram of automated parking structures as a basis for swapping units in the FVDC housing proposalDiagram of automated parking structures as a basis for swapping units in the FVDC housing proposalDiagram of automated parking structures as a basis for swapping units in the FVDC housing proposalDiagram of automated parking structures as a basis for swapping units in the FVDC housing proposal
Diagrammatic illustrations showing how and where the delivery and connections of the FVDC units would take placeDiagrammatic illustrations showing how and where the delivery and connections of the FVDC units would take placeDiagrammatic illustrations showing how and where the delivery and connections of the FVDC units would take placeDiagrammatic illustrations showing how and where the delivery and connections of the FVDC units would take place
Overall building tower plan with three units, vertical circulation and plan on each floor with FVDC unit delivery systemOverall building tower plan with three units, vertical circulation and plan on each floor with FVDC unit delivery systemOverall building tower plan with three units, vertical circulation and plan on each floor with FVDC unit delivery systemOverall building tower plan with three units, vertical circulation and plan on each floor with FVDC unit delivery system
Section sketch looking at the assembly system for delivery multiple components of a house at will in FVDCSection sketch looking at the assembly system for delivery multiple components of a house at will in FVDCSection sketch looking at the assembly system for delivery multiple components of a house at will in FVDCSection sketch looking at the assembly system for delivery multiple components of a house at will in FVDC
Set of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular piecesSet of diagrams illustrating the raw volume potential to be assembled and infilled by various delivered FVDC modular pieces
Diagrams from Richard Rogers' Zip-Up House as the basis for proposing modular units that can be zipped together for FVDCDiagrams from Richard Rogers' Zip-Up House as the basis for proposing modular units that can be zipped together for FVDCDiagrams from Richard Rogers' Zip-Up House as the basis for proposing modular units that can be zipped together for FVDCDiagrams from Richard Rogers' Zip-Up House as the basis for proposing modular units that can be zipped together for FVDC
Axon and plan drawings of the Nakagin Capsule Tower calling for FVDC modular housing to forget using the same unitAxon and plan drawings of the Nakagin Capsule Tower calling for FVDC modular housing to forget using the same unitAxon and plan drawings of the Nakagin Capsule Tower calling for FVDC modular housing to forget using the same unitAxon and plan drawings of the Nakagin Capsule Tower calling for FVDC modular housing to forget using the same unit
Elevation drawing of the skinny housing cylinder with units and shared spaces weaving throughout the FVDC towerElevation drawing of the skinny housing cylinder with units and shared spaces weaving throughout the FVDC towerElevation drawing of the skinny housing cylinder with units and shared spaces weaving throughout the FVDC towerElevation drawing of the skinny housing cylinder with units and shared spaces weaving throughout the FVDC tower
Diagram concept combining various modular concepts into the FVDC housing tower: framework, delivered units, lift, and gasketsDiagram concept combining various modular concepts into the FVDC housing tower: framework, delivered units, lift, and gasketsDiagram concept combining various modular concepts into the FVDC housing tower: framework, delivered units, lift, and gasketsDiagram concept combining various modular concepts into the FVDC housing tower: framework, delivered units, lift, and gaskets
Series of diagrams explaining the shortcomings of the Capsule Tower and Zip-Up House to be tested with FVDCSeries of diagrams explaining the shortcomings of the Capsule Tower and Zip-Up House to be tested with FVDCSeries of diagrams explaining the shortcomings of the Capsule Tower and Zip-Up House to be tested with FVDCSeries of diagrams explaining the shortcomings of the Capsule Tower and Zip-Up House to be tested with FVDC
Series of diagrams illustrating the relationship between the unit volumes, the central shaft and the FVDC structural systemSeries of diagrams illustrating the relationship between the unit volumes, the central shaft and the FVDC structural systemSeries of diagrams illustrating the relationship between the unit volumes, the central shaft and the FVDC structural systemSeries of diagrams illustrating the relationship between the unit volumes, the central shaft and the FVDC structural system
Board combining the various concepts and drawings for the FVDC project for presentationBoard combining the various concepts and drawings for the FVDC project for presentationBoard combining the various concepts and drawings for the FVDC project for presentationBoard combining the various concepts and drawings for the FVDC project for presentation


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