Alternative Desert Cities 1
Miller Urban Section

Alternative Desert Cities 1

Section drawing of multiple housing blocks built above Phoenix's highway infrastructure by student Genevieve MillerSection drawing of multiple housing blocks built above Phoenix's highway infrastructure by student Genevieve MillerSection drawing of multiple housing blocks built above Phoenix's highway infrastructure by student Genevieve MillerSection drawing of multiple housing blocks built above Phoenix's highway infrastructure by student Genevieve Miller




Planes, frames, and volumes are fundamentals to all assembly logics. With the proliferation of additive production methods, the possibility of volumetric prefabricated components has the potential to radically alter the way that we conceive of construction and the permanence of building parts.
Coney Island will remain a MUTANT appendage at the farthest shore of New York City. Coney is an agglomeration of all of its histories and should continue to simultaneously move each agenda forward. Coney will continue to evolve through mutations— this vision will accelerate its hybridity.
In Tempe there are two pedestrian axes: Mill Avenue and Palm Walk. Mill Avenue is successful and Palm Walk is not. Is there a way to make the palm trees useful to the students? The PEP structure is powered by buried hydraulic pressure systems giving vertical movement to the layer/palm interface.
University Island is a swirling shapeshifter, in both the landscape and the architecture, that offers it’s undefined field of opportunities to the students and anticipates that each will discover and produce their own individual relationship with the island and their education.
The challenge of creating a pair of studio apartments that can fill a lifted 16'x16' void necessitates the creation of a quick, mobile, and opportunistic building system that can react to the found conditions of the site. Access to the site is limited and the ground must be free.
Utilizing built form as a strategic carrier of culture in opposition of the status quo, the Hellinikon project links the disconnected suburban mountain communities to the east with the sea to the west while splitting the Hellinikon International Airport and Olympic Park into distinct zones.
The CART live/work housing prototype adds a vertical profile to downtown while converting an underutilized public path into an urban gesture by introducing of a specialized food cart zone in New Haven. The CART residents would rent and appropriate the moving space as a means of expanding their zone.
Space has become redundant again. Popular culture is uninterested in the goings-on in space. Once achieved, mans absurd relation with space becomes yesterdays news. To become relevant to the public, CASIS must be an amenity and not a mission. Instead of promoting an HQ, make it a public interface.