Park Avenue
Midtown Proposal Information

Park Avenue

Axon and statistics on the potential for ININ infill housing infrastructure along the Park Avenue midtown Manhattan zoneAxon and statistics on the potential for ININ infill housing infrastructure along the Park Avenue midtown Manhattan zoneAxon and statistics on the potential for ININ infill housing infrastructure along the Park Avenue midtown Manhattan zoneAxon and statistics on the potential for ININ infill housing infrastructure along the Park Avenue midtown Manhattan zone



Diagram showing the amount of housing units that would be possible by infilling the Park Avenue median with ININ housingDiagram showing the amount of housing units that would be possible by infilling the Park Avenue median with ININ housingDiagram showing the amount of housing units that would be possible by infilling the Park Avenue median with ININ housingDiagram showing the amount of housing units that would be possible by infilling the Park Avenue median with ININ housing
Infill ININ section through the Bronx showing the possibility of splitting the linear infrastructure into multiple massingsInfill ININ section through the Bronx showing the possibility of splitting the linear infrastructure into multiple massingsInfill ININ section through the Bronx showing the possibility of splitting the linear infrastructure into multiple massingsInfill ININ section through the Bronx showing the possibility of splitting the linear infrastructure into multiple massings
Animation of the various plans possible within the zoning setbacks for the ININ infill housing proposalAnimation of the various plans possible within the zoning setbacks for the ININ infill housing proposalAnimation of the various plans possible within the zoning setbacks for the ININ infill housing proposalAnimation of the various plans possible within the zoning setbacks for the ININ infill housing proposal
In progress massing study of the inserted infill ININ massing along the dense Harlem neighborhoods with elevated railIn progress massing study of the inserted infill ININ massing along the dense Harlem neighborhoods with elevated railIn progress massing study of the inserted infill ININ massing along the dense Harlem neighborhoods with elevated railIn progress massing study of the inserted infill ININ massing along the dense Harlem neighborhoods with elevated rail
Set of plan drawings of the housing floor plans within the zoning setbacks on Park Avenue for the ININ infill proposalSet of plan drawings of the housing floor plans within the zoning setbacks on Park Avenue for the ININ infill proposalSet of plan drawings of the housing floor plans within the zoning setbacks on Park Avenue for the ININ infill proposalSet of plan drawings of the housing floor plans within the zoning setbacks on Park Avenue for the ININ infill proposal
Perspective of Park Avenue at Midtown with ININ infill housing massing located within the center medianPerspective of Park Avenue at Midtown with ININ infill housing massing located within the center medianPerspective of Park Avenue at Midtown with ININ infill housing massing located within the center medianPerspective of Park Avenue at Midtown with ININ infill housing massing located within the center median
Sectional drawings of the current infrastructural uses of Park Avenue that result in the underutilized spaces used by ININSectional drawings of the current infrastructural uses of Park Avenue that result in the underutilized spaces used by ININSectional drawings of the current infrastructural uses of Park Avenue that result in the underutilized spaces used by ININSectional drawings of the current infrastructural uses of Park Avenue that result in the underutilized spaces used by ININ
Data, section, and axon drawings for the proposed ININ infill massing inserted along throughout Park Avenue on the Upper EastData, section, and axon drawings for the proposed ININ infill massing inserted along throughout Park Avenue on the Upper EastData, section, and axon drawings for the proposed ININ infill massing inserted along throughout Park Avenue on the Upper EastData, section, and axon drawings for the proposed ININ infill massing inserted along throughout Park Avenue on the Upper East
Series of varied road sections along Park Avenue with infill ININ housing massings possible under the NYC zoning codeSeries of varied road sections along Park Avenue with infill ININ housing massings possible under the NYC zoning codeSeries of varied road sections along Park Avenue with infill ININ housing massings possible under the NYC zoning codeSeries of varied road sections along Park Avenue with infill ININ housing massings possible under the NYC zoning code
Axon, zoning and impact data on the proposed ININ infill extension into the Bronx with the possibility of extendingAxon, zoning and impact data on the proposed ININ infill extension into the Bronx with the possibility of extendingAxon, zoning and impact data on the proposed ININ infill extension into the Bronx with the possibility of extendingAxon, zoning and impact data on the proposed ININ infill extension into the Bronx with the possibility of extending
Axon, zoning section and data on the potential benefits of the ININ infill housing above the rail on Park AvenueAxon, zoning section and data on the potential benefits of the ININ infill housing above the rail on Park AvenueAxon, zoning section and data on the potential benefits of the ININ infill housing above the rail on Park AvenueAxon, zoning section and data on the potential benefits of the ININ infill housing above the rail on Park Avenue
Section of the ININ housing infill illustrating the potential to add connections and links to adjacent public spacesSection of the ININ housing infill illustrating the potential to add connections and links to adjacent public spacesSection of the ININ housing infill illustrating the potential to add connections and links to adjacent public spacesSection of the ININ housing infill illustrating the potential to add connections and links to adjacent public spaces
Plan drawings of the various functions of the lower floors of the infill ININ proposal along Park Avenue in ManhattanPlan drawings of the various functions of the lower floors of the infill ININ proposal along Park Avenue in ManhattanPlan drawings of the various functions of the lower floors of the infill ININ proposal along Park Avenue in ManhattanPlan drawings of the various functions of the lower floors of the infill ININ proposal along Park Avenue in Manhattan
Elevated perspective of Park Avenue ININ infill housing through Harlem creating a vibrantly dense street and raised walkwayElevated perspective of Park Avenue ININ infill housing through Harlem creating a vibrantly dense street and raised walkwayElevated perspective of Park Avenue ININ infill housing through Harlem creating a vibrantly dense street and raised walkwayElevated perspective of Park Avenue ININ infill housing through Harlem creating a vibrantly dense street and raised walkway
Diagram showing the potential ININ infill housing massing along Park Avenue based on the 1916 NYC Zoning ResolutionDiagram showing the potential ININ infill housing massing along Park Avenue based on the 1916 NYC Zoning ResolutionDiagram showing the potential ININ infill housing massing along Park Avenue based on the 1916 NYC Zoning ResolutionDiagram showing the potential ININ infill housing massing along Park Avenue based on the 1916 NYC Zoning Resolution
Urban plan showing the possible underdeveloped sites for housing in Manhattan—adding Park Avenue ININ site as a possibilityUrban plan showing the possible underdeveloped sites for housing in Manhattan—adding Park Avenue ININ site as a possibilityUrban plan showing the possible underdeveloped sites for housing in Manhattan—adding Park Avenue ININ site as a possibilityUrban plan showing the possible underdeveloped sites for housing in Manhattan—adding Park Avenue ININ site as a possibility


QTCT is tasked to blend these two identities onto one site—a give and take relationship between beach ambitions and urban necessities. QTCT is a sampling of two worlds: on one hand it is the embodiment of the language of the beach and on the other it is a detailed and exacting built urban space.
University Island is a swirling shapeshifter, in both the landscape and the architecture, that offers it’s undefined field of opportunities to the students and anticipates that each will discover and produce their own individual relationship with the island and their education.
The challenge of creating a pair of studio apartments that can fill a lifted 16'x16' void necessitates the creation of a quick, mobile, and opportunistic building system that can react to the found conditions of the site. Access to the site is limited and the ground must be free.
The RACA project must meet two demands: A. REFLECTION (museum) or B. CONTINUATION (practice + addition). The current program and its stagnancy has left the site forgotten—it is a typical static museum on a living site. The site and addition must constantly change through the participation of people.
Seeing Park Avenue as an underutilized zone that connects four vibrant neighborhoods from 42nd Street to 144th Street, Infrastructural Infill is a study testing the potential to locate a combination of mixed-use housing and transportation in the residual spaces caused by urban infrastructure.
Planes, frames, and volumes are fundamentals to all assembly logics. With the proliferation of additive production methods, the possibility of volumetric prefabricated components has the potential to radically alter the way that we conceive of construction and the permanence of building parts.
Infrastructure as urban performance. Serving as both a backdrop to elegant theatrical dances and a framework for holding a wandering public, the Dance Machine enacts performance through both its program and its existence as a merged urban extension of the Queensboro Bridge.
Utilizing built form as a strategic carrier of culture in opposition of the status quo, the Hellinikon project links the disconnected suburban mountain communities to the east with the sea to the west while splitting the Hellinikon International Airport and Olympic Park into distinct zones.