Coney Island
Housing & Shifting Landscape

Coney Island

Perspective showing the CISL housing lifted above a regularly changing natural layer of public space and usesPerspective showing the CISL housing lifted above a regularly changing natural layer of public space and usesPerspective showing the CISL housing lifted above a regularly changing natural layer of public space and usesPerspective showing the CISL housing lifted above a regularly changing natural layer of public space and uses



Concept model for a strategy of combining many varied building and infrastructural typologies to define the new CISLConcept model for a strategy of combining many varied building and infrastructural typologies to define the new CISLConcept model for a strategy of combining many varied building and infrastructural typologies to define the new CISLConcept model for a strategy of combining many varied building and infrastructural typologies to define the new CISL
Plan of the greater NYC region locating CISL in relation to other coastal landformsPlan of the greater NYC region locating CISL in relation to other coastal landformsPlan of the greater NYC region locating CISL in relation to other coastal landformsPlan of the greater NYC region locating CISL in relation to other coastal landforms
Animation of the phased plan for establishing the CISL infrastructure that will accept and allow for land transformationsAnimation of the phased plan for establishing the CISL infrastructure that will accept and allow for land transformationsAnimation of the phased plan for establishing the CISL infrastructure that will accept and allow for land transformationsAnimation of the phased plan for establishing the CISL infrastructure that will accept and allow for land transformations
Concept diagram showing a strategy for terraced retreat from the rising water levels and storms below CISLConcept diagram showing a strategy for terraced retreat from the rising water levels and storms below CISLConcept diagram showing a strategy for terraced retreat from the rising water levels and storms below CISLConcept diagram showing a strategy for terraced retreat from the rising water levels and storms below CISL
Phasing animation showing the creation of new CISL barrier archipelagos for rewilding, recreation, and retreat from the cityPhasing animation showing the creation of new CISL barrier archipelagos for rewilding, recreation, and retreat from the cityPhasing animation showing the creation of new CISL barrier archipelagos for rewilding, recreation, and retreat from the cityPhasing animation showing the creation of new CISL barrier archipelagos for rewilding, recreation, and retreat from the city
Collage showing the raised park system connecting the various forms of housing across CISL safe from the shifting landscapeCollage showing the raised park system connecting the various forms of housing across CISL safe from the shifting landscapeCollage showing the raised park system connecting the various forms of housing across CISL safe from the shifting landscapeCollage showing the raised park system connecting the various forms of housing across CISL safe from the shifting landscape
CISL masterplan concept showing the archipelago strategy for allowing the island to morph back into natureCISL masterplan concept showing the archipelago strategy for allowing the island to morph back into natureCISL masterplan concept showing the archipelago strategy for allowing the island to morph back into natureCISL masterplan concept showing the archipelago strategy for allowing the island to morph back into nature
Collage showing the potential for architectural follies as points of attraction throughout the CISL barrier archipelagosCollage showing the potential for architectural follies as points of attraction throughout the CISL barrier archipelagosCollage showing the potential for architectural follies as points of attraction throughout the CISL barrier archipelagosCollage showing the potential for architectural follies as points of attraction throughout the CISL barrier archipelagos
Illustration proposing the vertical relationships and coexistence of nature and man in the proposed CISL cityIllustration proposing the vertical relationships and coexistence of nature and man in the proposed CISL cityIllustration proposing the vertical relationships and coexistence of nature and man in the proposed CISL cityIllustration proposing the vertical relationships and coexistence of nature and man in the proposed CISL city
Sequence of projected flood maps for Coney Island illustrating the inevitable natural transformation of the CISL siteSequence of projected flood maps for Coney Island illustrating the inevitable natural transformation of the CISL siteSequence of projected flood maps for Coney Island illustrating the inevitable natural transformation of the CISL siteSequence of projected flood maps for Coney Island illustrating the inevitable natural transformation of the CISL site
Perspective of the CISL Back Bay showing the rising water levels that will isolate the new hub as an archipelagoPerspective of the CISL Back Bay showing the rising water levels that will isolate the new hub as an archipelagoPerspective of the CISL Back Bay showing the rising water levels that will isolate the new hub as an archipelagoPerspective of the CISL Back Bay showing the rising water levels that will isolate the new hub as an archipelago
Long section of a compressed combination of various relationships between the CISL urban infrastructure and the landscapeLong section of a compressed combination of various relationships between the CISL urban infrastructure and the landscapeLong section of a compressed combination of various relationships between the CISL urban infrastructure and the landscapeLong section of a compressed combination of various relationships between the CISL urban infrastructure and the landscape
Exploded axonometric study looking at the various layers of the lifted CISL infrastructure above a shifting landscapeExploded axonometric study looking at the various layers of the lifted CISL infrastructure above a shifting landscapeExploded axonometric study looking at the various layers of the lifted CISL infrastructure above a shifting landscapeExploded axonometric study looking at the various layers of the lifted CISL infrastructure above a shifting landscape
Model of the CISL lifted city and the barrier archipelago extensions above a layered shifting landscapeModel of the CISL lifted city and the barrier archipelago extensions above a layered shifting landscapeModel of the CISL lifted city and the barrier archipelago extensions above a layered shifting landscapeModel of the CISL lifted city and the barrier archipelago extensions above a layered shifting landscape
Diagram showing the idea for Aikido Urbanism—allowing the flood forces to morph and rebuilt the landscape of CISLDiagram showing the idea for Aikido Urbanism—allowing the flood forces to morph and rebuilt the landscape of CISLDiagram showing the idea for Aikido Urbanism—allowing the flood forces to morph and rebuilt the landscape of CISLDiagram showing the idea for Aikido Urbanism—allowing the flood forces to morph and rebuilt the landscape of CISL
Combination of rewilding aquarium and public beach with the potential to flood and hybridize in the future of CISLCombination of rewilding aquarium and public beach with the potential to flood and hybridize in the future of CISLCombination of rewilding aquarium and public beach with the potential to flood and hybridize in the future of CISLCombination of rewilding aquarium and public beach with the potential to flood and hybridize in the future of CISL


Infrastructure as urban performance. Serving as both a backdrop to elegant theatrical dances and a framework for holding a wandering public, the Dance Machine enacts performance through both its program and its existence as a merged urban extension of the Queensboro Bridge.
The RACA project must meet two demands: A. REFLECTION (museum) or B. CONTINUATION (practice + addition). The current program and its stagnancy has left the site forgotten—it is a typical static museum on a living site. The site and addition must constantly change through the participation of people.
Planes, frames, and volumes are fundamentals to all assembly logics. With the proliferation of additive production methods, the possibility of volumetric prefabricated components has the potential to radically alter the way that we conceive of construction and the permanence of building parts.
The challenge of creating a pair of studio apartments that can fill a lifted 16'x16' void necessitates the creation of a quick, mobile, and opportunistic building system that can react to the found conditions of the site. Access to the site is limited and the ground must be free.
The GBN project sites itself as this link connecting the busiest night life district and revitalized neighborhood park in the north, the largest beach front in the city to the south, and establishes the cities first large public plaza and recreation fields adjacent to the new building.
Space has become redundant again. Popular culture is uninterested in the goings-on in space. Once achieved, mans absurd relation with space becomes yesterdays news. To become relevant to the public, CASIS must be an amenity and not a mission. Instead of promoting an HQ, make it a public interface.
In Tempe there are two pedestrian axes: Mill Avenue and Palm Walk. Mill Avenue is successful and Palm Walk is not. Is there a way to make the palm trees useful to the students? The PEP structure is powered by buried hydraulic pressure systems giving vertical movement to the layer/palm interface.
The YELE music studio competition, underway before the earthquake, must respond now, but plan for the future of the community. Music is relief in a time of tragedy. The goal is to meet the most basic survival needs now while leaving spaces for future growth through self sustaining phases.