Alternative Desert Cities 2
Medeiros Section Perspective

Alternative Desert Cities 2

Section perspective of a mountain mass built into the mountain topography at Saguaro Lake by student Camille MedeirosSection perspective of a mountain mass built into the mountain topography at Saguaro Lake by student Camille MedeirosSection perspective of a mountain mass built into the mountain topography at Saguaro Lake by student Camille MedeirosSection perspective of a mountain mass built into the mountain topography at Saguaro Lake by student Camille Medeiros




The RACA project must meet two demands: A. REFLECTION (museum) or B. CONTINUATION (practice + addition). The current program and its stagnancy has left the site forgotten—it is a typical static museum on a living site. The site and addition must constantly change through the participation of people.
Infrastructure as urban performance. Serving as both a backdrop to elegant theatrical dances and a framework for holding a wandering public, the Dance Machine enacts performance through both its program and its existence as a merged urban extension of the Queensboro Bridge.
QTCT is tasked to blend these two identities onto one site—a give and take relationship between beach ambitions and urban necessities. QTCT is a sampling of two worlds: on one hand it is the embodiment of the language of the beach and on the other it is a detailed and exacting built urban space.
University Island is a swirling shapeshifter, in both the landscape and the architecture, that offers it’s undefined field of opportunities to the students and anticipates that each will discover and produce their own individual relationship with the island and their education.
The CART live/work housing prototype adds a vertical profile to downtown while converting an underutilized public path into an urban gesture by introducing of a specialized food cart zone in New Haven. The CART residents would rent and appropriate the moving space as a means of expanding their zone.
Space has become redundant again. Popular culture is uninterested in the goings-on in space. Once achieved, mans absurd relation with space becomes yesterdays news. To become relevant to the public, CASIS must be an amenity and not a mission. Instead of promoting an HQ, make it a public interface.
Coney Island will remain a MUTANT appendage at the farthest shore of New York City. Coney is an agglomeration of all of its histories and should continue to simultaneously move each agenda forward. Coney will continue to evolve through mutations— this vision will accelerate its hybridity.
In Tempe there are two pedestrian axes: Mill Avenue and Palm Walk. Mill Avenue is successful and Palm Walk is not. Is there a way to make the palm trees useful to the students? The PEP structure is powered by buried hydraulic pressure systems giving vertical movement to the layer/palm interface.